Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My best holidays

The last summer I went to Pichilemu. It was the best holidays so far. I went there whit four friends. We rent a nice cabin very cheap and very good located, near the beach and the town's center.
The best think that we did there was surfing. The first day we take a surfing lesson  and after that all the days of the week that we spend there we rent surfboards and surf there. Also we went a couple of days to Punta de Lobos, a beach near to Pichilemu that is one of the best surfing spots in the world. One day we also surf on there, It was really difficult to us, we was just learning and the waves there were really, really big...
Some afternoons we just walk around the town or the beach, it was really relaxing. And I recharge my batteries for this first year at the university.
I have to admit that to cook and to clean the cabin was also an adventure for us, but it was funny, and a very good experience.
We want to do it again, maybe this summer, I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. i love pichilemu is beautiful
    nice post it is very interesting
